Monday, March 10, 2008

The usual battle

Do you know what I think my problem is? I have no direction. Sure, I'm a psych major. Sure, I want to eventually become a guidance counselor. Honestly, though? Those plans are not the manifestation of my "hopes and dreams." They were really just formed when it became the time for me to make a decision about what I'm supposed to do with the rest of my life. How am I supposed to decide something like that now? How is anyone supposed to know? I have no idea what I want. What kind of system is this? Elementary school prepares you for middle school, middle school for high school, high school for college, college for... life? This is the last preparation stage. Yes, I know that I have two years of school left, but I don't like being uncertain. Right now, everything feels uncertain. I hate how uncertainty about school invades other things. I suppose I should work on becoming confident that trusting God is the only way I'll make it anywhere.

I can't tell if I'm thinking about these things because I'm upset, or if I'm upset because I'm thinking about them.


Sophie said...

I like you.
And also, I like this post because it means you're confused.
Being confused is good. Very, very good.
I hope you stay confused for a while because it will teach you so, soooo much.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

it's completely okay to be this confused about things. i mean i'm still confused about things and i'm graduating soon. Just remember to do whatever makes you happy. if it doesn't make you happy then change things. i know that sounds like horrible advice but it's all i can muster at 7 in the morning. Good luck with everything heather.

David Maughan said...

This is something I deal with too, so I'm very glad that you opened up about it. I agree that it's a bad idea to force young people to make huge choices about their careers and future livelihoods when they have little experience and less certainty. Some people just "know" what they're supposed to do, but you and I are not those people.