Friday, May 30, 2008

Home, home, home

My first day of summer. So far, I've eaten a sandwich, thought about unloading the car, seriously considered buying a Macbook with the money I don't have, sat in my favorite chair, and lamented the fact that it always takes me a few days to be ok with being home. Typically I enjoy being home, but there always seems to be the odd transition time to get used to it. I keep telling myself that I'll be glad to be here in a few days, but at present I have resigned myself to thoughts of everyone and everything I miss so badly. These thoughts, like all things, will fade. I know this. I just need a few days.

On a brighter note, Mayterm was great. It has certainly provided a lot for me to think about, as to whether or not I want to teach and whether or not I could work in the inner city. My answers to these questions are drawn out and still uncertain, but for the sake of time and simplicity, I'll say that they have gone from "most likely not" to "it's a possibility." If you'd like to hear any of my stories from spending three weeks with inner-city fourth graders (and let me tell you, there are some good ones), please ask. There are too many to write on here.

Until next time.

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