Sunday, June 1, 2008

A small piece of TiUA...

Ms. Haverstick:

Gabby is spreading
rumors and saying
that me and
Asia are saying
that Dashanique
is wearing tight
shirts because
she want to
show off her
stuff. And we
are getting sick
and tired of

(from Erica, age ten, fourth grade)


WickedWitty said...

If this isn't an accurate commentary of our times, I just don't know what is.

Caitlin said...

now this is poetry.

Anonymous said...

wow that is pretty much the most amazing note ever. hows your summer going?

David Maughan said...

Interesting, in a heartbreaking way. Ten-year-old girls should not be talking like that, but that's 21st-century USA. I agree with wickedwitty that it's a pretty accurate commentary on our times.
Moving to happier thoughts, I would love to hear some of your stories, Heather!

Son-Ju said...

I wrote a note like this one day to Gaerte about Lindsay.